[Win] Reason Studios - Reason 12


  • Step 1: Install latest R2R-WAIFU
  • Step 2*: Uninstall previous Reason versions
  • Step 3: Install Reason 12 using the provided installer (Setup Reason 12 v12.2.5.exe)

R2R Rack Extensions

You need to have Reason 12 installed to continue

  • Step 1: Copy any RackExtension folders to "%APPDATA%\Propellerhead Software\RackExtensions\"
  • Step 2: Copy *.R2RRECACHE to "%APPDATA%\Propellerhead Software\R2RRECACHE\"
  • Step 3: Rebuilding the cache
  • Step 3.1: Run the provided Cache Rebuilder (RECacheBuilder.exe)
  • Step 3.2*: The cache file only works with R2R release of Reason 12

About Legit Reason comaptibility 

R2R Reason 12 is not compatible with Legit Reason projects

If you need Legit Reason comaptibility, you need to find a 12.2.0 Reason release