Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable Package (x64)
- Step 1*: If you had Studio One installed previously
Uninstall Studio One
For complete cleaning, remove:
- "%PROGRAMDATA%\PreSonus\"
- "%APPDATA%\PreSonus\"
If you just need to clear licenses, remove all *.license files from above directories
- Step 2: Install Studio One using the provided installer (Setup Studio One 5 v5.5.1.exe)
- Step 3: Run Studio One, close the login prompt and begin offline authorization
- Step 4: Run the provided KeyGen (StudioOne_Keygen.exe), and copy the MachineID into it
- Step 5: Generate licenses and authorize Studio One: For Studio One 5 -
- Authorize extensions using other licenses :
If you want to authorize PreSonusHub, copy "presonushub.license" to "%PROGRAMDATA%\PreSonus\PreSonus Hub\"
Generated licenses are linked to the license of main application.
If you want to activate additional contents, you need to generate & reauthorize all.
You can reauthorize from the StudioOne menu items.
You can authorize extensions by drag & drop multiple *.license files to StudioOne GUI. Or just copy all extension license files to "%PROGRAMDATA%\PreSonus\License Store\".